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What's New!

From the Artist
Portrait Portfolio
About the Artist
Fees and Terms
Art Reference
On the Easel
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We're on the Move Again!

We decided to relocate back to the DC area after two years in sunny Florida.


New Art Reference Section!

An Art Reference section has been added with a information on artist materials and a section on Problems and solutions !


New Classes

Marc is planning on offering classes this winter!



If you'd like to be informed when this site is updated, please e-mail us and ask to be added to our e-mail list!

BEST of America Oil Artists and Artisans

Marc is featured in the book "Best of America Artists and Artisans volume 1"


Following his inclusion into the Best of Virginia Artists and Artisans, Marc was asked to participate in a book covering artists across America


Past News




Marc performed an oil portraiture demonstration at the Polk Museum of Art's 2007 Gala  Lakeland Florida


Marc finishing the final touches on the portrait of the young girl that he painted for the demonstration.


The finished painting of the young girl beside the portrait of Janet painted for a previous demonstration





BEST of Virginia Artists & Artisans

Marc was named one of the top artists in Virginia.  His work is featured in the book "Best of Virginia Artists and Artisans 2005"


Marc's "The Dancer" was featured in the oil section






© 2008, Marc J. Surrency.  Artist scans, images, and web design are protected by copyright. Physical or electronic reproduction in whole or part is unlawful without written permission of the artist.