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Art Classes with Marc Surrency

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Class 1: Measurement



Revisiting Mr. Bear

Step 5

Using the landmarks shown in step 4, I simply start to fill in the contour.  I strongly suggest that all of the contour lines start out by holding out your brush to find the diagonal line and then transferring the line at the same angle to your drawing. DON'T DRAW CURVES for curved lines when you're trying to accurately define the contour.

Keep refining.  If we were painting Mr. Bear, this sketch is good enough.  If we were drawing Mr. Bear we would continue to locate landmarks and refine contour lines before proceeding to shading.

Have FUN!! 

See you in class.  Call or write if you need help








© 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002 Marc J. Surrency.  Artist scans, images, and web design are protected by copyright. Physical or electronic reproduction in whole or part is unlawful without written permission of the artist.