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Art Classes with Marc Surrency

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Class 1: Measurement



Revisiting Mr. Bear

Step 4

Now that we've located the vertical and horizontal positions of the important landmarks, we check them one more time.  The extra time spent now will save the work later.

My actual drawing or painting will only have the small horizontal and/or vertical dashes to mark the landmark positions. 

I've only included the most important landmark positions.  As I paint I continue to locate landmarks.  Often the landmarks are to determine when curves start to change direction.  The more landmarks you define and locate, the more accurate your painting will become.  You could take the initial step far enough to where it would be like a connect the dots.







© 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002 Marc J. Surrency.  Artist scans, images, and web design are protected by copyright. Physical or electronic reproduction in whole or part is unlawful without written permission of the artist.